OMG! Yesss, we’re giving you RM50 llaollao cash voucher!! 🤩
How? Just open an Alliance SavePlus Account/-I and follow these ez pz steps:
1. Download the allianceonline mobile app.
2. Key in “LLAOLLAO” as the invitation code when you open SavePlus/-i.
3. Activate the account with min. of RM20 and keep a positive balance until end of the month in which you opened the account.
Ohhh, fret not, you can enjoy UP TO RM80 CASHBACK when you top up your SavePlus/-i with more than RM10,000 on the month in which you open your account. The more you save, the more rewards you get! 🥳
Campaign period: 1 July 2023 to 30 September 2023
Terms and Conditions apply.